lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2011

Good Favorite Sayings And Love Phrase

Hold no man responsible for what he says in his grief. by The Talmud Qutations

Abstinence is as easy to me, as temperance would be difficult. by Samuel Johnson Phrases

Et tu, Brute! by William Shakespeare Julius Caesar Act 3 scene 1 One liners

Appraise war in terms of the fundamental factors. The first of these factors is moral influence. by SunTzu Qutations

Who has confidence in himself will gain the confidene of others. by Leib Lazarow

It is easier to resist at the beginning than at the end. by Leonardo da Vinci

"It happens to each according to his consciousness," is the Law of Consciousness. by L S Barksdale

Language is only the instrument of science, and words are but the signs of ideas. by Samuel Johnson

Nothing can be created from nothing. by Lucretius De Rerum Natura

Our minds are lazier than our bodies. by La Rochefoucauld

It takes a person who is wide awake to make his dream come true. by Roger Babson

It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations. by Sir Winston Churchill

Many of us are more capable than some of us...
but none of us is as capable as all of us!! by Tom Wilson Ziggy comic

All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous unpremeditated act without the benefit of experience. by Henry Miller

x29 It is better to looked over than overlooked. by Mae West

Love People Proverbs And Cute Quote
nice birthday sayings

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